Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Last night here...

wow I can't believe it is our last night here. Has been a really tough day saying good bye to friends. I am so happy Aislinn got to go play at her best friends house today. I don't think they understood the finality of saying goodbye but I was sad for her. They have been like two peas in a pod all year and knowing that playdates and sleepovers with Sophie are a thing of the past really made me tear up off and on all day. It is our last night in the hotel here. Tomorrow we final out of the base and the house, then it is on to San Antonio to stay at grandmom and grandads for a night. Then we really hit the road to Florida. I am excited but leaving here is definitely bittersweet. I definitely consider San Angelo "home".

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Time is running out!

We have spent the last couple of days cleaning and sorting. I can't believe how much stuff we have accumulated after living in this house almost 3 years! The packers came today to pack up Matt's stuff to ship to Korea. He has it all organized and ready so it went pretty quick. It has been hard knowing that he is leaving soon and he will be gone for so long. Trying to stay strong for the kiddos. I know they are going to need a strong, capable mom to help them through such a long year without daddy. The packers come to pack up the house on Thursday. Aislinn is excited that we are going to buy the packers pizza. She acts like she has never had pizza before lol. After things are packed up on Thursday we are off to spend some time in a local hotel. We will clean the house over the weekend and the movers will come and load the truck on Monday! We final out of the house on Wednesday and then we are off to San Antonio where we will spend our first night! Luckily we get to stay with grandmom and grandad in San Antonio. The kids are excited to get measured by grandad (he marks there height on the wall) on more time before we move to Florida! Aislinn is also excited to eat dinner at Chuy's. She loves the white sauce there! Then the next morning it is off to Louisiana. I will take a lot of pics and try to update either on the road or once we get to Florida! Till next time!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Things I love :

The kids are about to watch a TV show before bed time so I thought I would write a little about the things that make me happy.

First and most importantly these little people. They are funny, silly, loving, smart little people. I am so blessed! This guy is pretty cool too. We have been married since 1998. He drives me crazy with his history channel and book obsession but I love him anyway. I also love my dog.....Molly. She is a stinky, snorty, sneezy mess but she is mine and I love her to pieces.

I adore manatees. I know that is a weird animal to like but I can't help it. They are so big and cute. I have been to South Florida twice and haven't seen one in person yet...but it will happen eventually, I just know it! I like TV. I tend to be attracted to shows that are often geared towards an audience that is much younger than me (Dawson's Creek, Felicity etc). I love me some Joshua Jackson. I mean who doesn't think this guy is gorgeous? Luckily my husband is okay with my obsession. :) I like to shop...but am a bargain fanatic. I have expensive taste. A girl can dream right? Hmmm....I love psychology, and like to read self help books probably because I often think I need a lot of help :) I think diet coke is like the greatest thing ever and I have an irrational love for Luna and Lara bars. Well my break is almost up and Big Time Rush is almost over! Then it is bedtime for the kids! More to come later.......

Wow- this is a test post!

This is much easier than I thought it would be! But I still wanna play around with the design of things! Thought this would be a fun and easy way to share photos and information with family and friends! Being a military family we move around so much and have friends and family all over the world! I thought long and hard about doing this and found there were many topics I could choose to focus on, eating disorders, military life, autism etc...But think I will just go a more general route and keep this up to date with the fun and even mundane happening of our family! Can't wait to write more!